- Aries: You will successfully tie your shoes today, impressing no one but yourself.
- Taurus: You will find a new favorite pen today, and it will bring you inexplicable joy.
- Gemini: You will wear a shirt today, and no one will comment on it.
- Cancer: You will listen to a song today, and it will resonate with you in a mildly pleasant way.
- Leo: You will make a joke today, and it will be met with polite laughter.
- Virgo: You will make a to-do list today, and then promptly forget about it.
- Libra: You will see a cute animal today, and it will briefly improve your mood.
- Scorpio: You will overhear an interesting conversation today, and then immediately forget what it was about.
- Sagittarius: You will read a mildly amusing joke today, and then promptly forget about it.
- Capricorn: You will successfully balance your checkbook today, and no one will care.
- Aquarius: You will learn a useless fact today, and then struggle to find a way to incorporate it into a conversation.
- Pisces: You will see a cloud that looks like a familiar shape today, and then forget what it was by the end of the day.
Inane Horoscopes for April 2023
- Aries: You will have a bodily function today, and it will be entirely normal.
- Taurus: You will eat a meal today, and it will be satisfying.
- Gemini: You will communicate with another human being today, and it will be unremarkable.
- Cancer: You will feel an emotion today, and it will be valid.
- Leo: You will encounter a mirror today, and you will look great.
- Virgo: You will notice something out of place today, and you will fix it.
- Libra: You will have a social interaction today, and it will be pleasant.
- Scorpio: You will have a thought today, and it will be intriguing.
- Sagittarius: You will have an experience today, and it will be interesting.
- Capricorn: You will have a responsibility today, and you will handle it.
- Aquarius: You will encounter a new idea today, and it will be thought-provoking.
- Pisces: You will have a dream tonight, and it will be forgettable.